Lista de DLL gratis - - página 26

Todos los archivos DLL para descargar puede ayudarle a resolver sus problemas de falta .dll archivos en Windows.
10000 archivos DLL están disponibles como una descarga gratuita para corregir errores ".dll not found".

Usted probablemente ya ha encontrado un error "xxx.dll el archivo que falta" o "file.dll no encontrado" al lanzar una aplicación o un juego en Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 o el nuevo Windows 10).

Este tipo de error puede afectar a la funcionalidad de la aplicación de Windows y ser muy doloroso. ofrece una manera fácil de corregir estos problemas, libre de DLL descarga se echa en falta.

Archivos DLL disponibles para su descarga gratuita:

ErrorDetails.dll - Microsoft Windows operating system. (1400 descargas)

ErrorDetailsUpdate.dll - Error Details Update Task (1406 descargas)

ErrorReport.dll - Sony Creative Software Error Reporting Component (1472 descargas)

EsdSip.dll - Crypto SIP provider for signing and verifying .esd Electronic Software Distribution files (1428 descargas)

EthernetMediaManager.dll - Windows Ethernet Media Manager DLL (1527 descargas)

EtwRundown.dll - Etw Rundown Helper Library (1405 descargas)

EventAggregation.dll - Event Aggregation User Mode Library (1383 descargas)

EventLogHelper.dll - Event Log Helper for Vista (1461 descargas)

EventLogMessages.dll - EventLogMessages.dll (1491 descargas)

ExSMime.dll - LExsmime (1419 descargas)

Exchcsp.dll - Microsoft Exchange Cryptgraphic Service Provider V1.0 - Export Version (1532 descargas)

ExecModelClient.dll - ExecModelClient (1403 descargas)

ExecutionGuard.dll - Execution Guard (2878 descargas)

ExitSplash.dll - Exit Splash Screen (1534 descargas)

ExplorerFrame.dll - ExplorerFrame (2311 descargas)

ExportSupport.dll - Export Support DLL (1585 descargas)

ExtendScript.dll - ExtendScript scripting engine (3908 descargas)

ExtendScriptIDE.dll - ExtendScript debugger (1580 descargas)

ExtrasXmlParser.dll - Extras XML parser used to extract extension information from XML (1455 descargas)

ExtremeShot.dll - Viewpoint Media Player e-Shot Component (1653 descargas)

Eztext.dll - eztext (1563 descargas)

FAHDll.dll - File Association Helper (1528 descargas)

FAHDll64.dll - File Association Helper (1523 descargas)

FC3.dll - Dunia Engine/Far Cry 2 Dynamic Link Library (6406 descargas)

FC64.dll - Dunia Engine/Far Cry 2 Dynamic Link Library (4277 descargas)

FDResPub.dll - Function Discovery Resource Publication Service (1587 descargas)

FFImage.dll - (1674 descargas)

FFmt.dll - Digidesign Audio Engine (1988 descargas)

FM20.dll - Microsoft® Forms DLL (7166 descargas)

FM20ENU.dll - Microsoft® Forms International DLL (1856 descargas)

FM20FRA.dll - Microsoft® Forms International DLL (1929 descargas)

FMAPO64.dll - Fortemedia SAMSoft sAPO (1614 descargas)

FOBJ601.dll - FineObjects Classes Library (3466 descargas)

FP30UTL.dll - Microsoft FrontPage Utility DLL (1876 descargas)

FP30WEL.dll - Microsoft FrontPage Web Extender Library DLL (1804 descargas)

FP4ANWI.dll - Microsoft FrontPage Client Library (1766 descargas)

FP4AWEC.dll - Microsoft FrontPage Client Library (1766 descargas)

FPCSDK.dll - Foxit ConnectedPDF Platform Library. (2405 descargas)

FPCUTL.dll - Microsoft Office FrontPage Client Utility Library (1840 descargas)

FPDB.dll - Microsoft Office FrontPage Database Results Wizard (1814 descargas)

FPDBSAT.dll - Microsoft Office FrontPage Database Results Wizard (1736 descargas)

FPDTC.dll - Microsoft Office FrontPage Design-Time Controls (2081 descargas)

FPEDITAX.dll - Microsoft Office FrontPage Editor (1736 descargas)

FPEDSAT.dll - Microsoft Office FrontPage Editor (1758 descargas)

FPENCODE.dll - Microsoft Character Encoder (1622 descargas)

FPEXPSAT.dll - Microsoft Office FrontPage (1680 descargas)

FPIMPSAT.dll - Microsoft Office FrontPage Import Wizard (1665 descargas)

FPSRVUTL.dll - Shared Web Utilities Component (1820 descargas)

FPUTLSAT.dll - Microsoft Office FrontPage Client Utility Library (1782 descargas)

FPWEC.dll - Microsoft Office FrontPage Client Library (1819 descargas)

FPWEL.dll - Microsoft Office FrontPage Web Extender Library (1836 descargas)

FRMRDRCT.dll - Microsoft Outlook Forms Redirector Add-On (1692 descargas)

FSAirlines.dll - FSAirlines - Client (1543 descargas)

FSClient.dll - Frame Server Client DLL (1574 descargas)

FTD2XX.dll - FTD2XX library (38847 descargas)

FTPAPI.dll - FTPAPI (1695 descargas)

FWGal.dll - Fotowire Gallery Plugin (1707 descargas)

FWPUCLNT.dll - API en mode utilisateur FWP/IPsec (1751 descargas)

FXSCOMPOSE.dll - Compose Form (1572 descargas)

FXSCOMPOSERES.dll - Fax Compose (1587 descargas)


D3DX9_43.dll (1251968)
xinput1_3.dll (919803)
msvcr100.dll (793588)
msvcp100.dll (750722)
vcruntime140.dll (719569)
msvcp140.dll (593193)
msvcr110.dll (574558)
msvcp120.dll (383425)
msvcr120.dll (379174)
msvcp110.dll (287938)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249928)
amtlib.dll (236465)
d3dx9_39.dll (221348)
binkw32.dll (198732)
unarc.dll (192807)
steam_api.dll (185658)
d3dx9_30.dll (179473)
KERNEL32.dll (176013)
ISDone.dll (156952)
lame_enc.dll (152956) - Descargue los archivos DLL que faltan gratis - Copyright 2012