puede ayudarle a resolver sus problemas de falta .dll archivos en Windows.
10000 archivos DLL están disponibles como una descarga gratuita para corregir errores ".dll not found".
Usted probablemente ya ha encontrado un error "xxx.dll el archivo que falta" o "file.dll no encontrado" al lanzar una aplicación o un juego en Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 o el nuevo Windows 10).
Este tipo de error puede afectar a la funcionalidad de la aplicación de Windows y ser muy doloroso. ofrece una manera fácil de corregir estos problemas, libre de DLL descarga se echa en falta.
crw.dll - Canon CRW PlugIn for IrfanView (1641 descargas)
icaapi.dll - DLL Interface to TermDD Device Driver (1641 descargas)
mainrenu.dll - (1640 descargas)
XRenderD3D9.dll - (1640 descargas)
rsabase.dll - Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider (Export Version) (1640 descargas)
ctabridge.dll - CTABridge Module (1640 descargas)
navinst95.dll - Norton AntiVirus Install/Uninstall (1640 descargas)
vt.dll - Videotextmodul für MoreTV (1640 descargas)
p2fwisct.dll - (1640 descargas)
awrtl30.dll - AnswerWorks Runtime Library (1640 descargas)
qcap.dll - Module d'exécution DirectShow. (1640 descargas)
ambxrt.dll - amBX Redistributable Runtime (1640 descargas)
aacenc32.dll - AACEnc - 32 bit floating point AAC encoder library (1640 descargas)
objmgr.dll - objmgr - SQL Server Query Analyzer Object Manager (1640 descargas)
bp_da.dll - BreakPoint Software Disk Access (1640 descargas)
modeleng.dll - Visio modeling engine. (1640 descargas)
objps7.dll - InstallShield (R) ObjectPS DLL (1640 descargas)
abls.dll - ABLS DLL (1640 descargas)
edb500x.dll - e_Db 5.0 Expert Edition (1640 descargas)
acraumbu.dll - AcRaumbu (1640 descargas)
LQSync.dll - QuickSync Language Resource (1640 descargas)
gtdirect3d.dll - Cc Direct3D driver (1640 descargas)
asfilter.dll - AntiSpam Email Filter (1640 descargas)
3DRRGB.dll - 3DR Win32s Generic Engine Module (1640 descargas)
atputil.dll - Laser Writer Utilities (1640 descargas)
PbkODBC.dll - PbkODBC DLL (1640 descargas)
dbvfrnd.dll - ObjectVideo File Rendering Plug-in for RealPlayer (1640 descargas)
clwz.dll - Microsoft (R) eMbedded Visual C++ ClassWizard U.S. English Templates (1640 descargas)
orback.dll - Backend DLL (1640 descargas)
acverfyr.dll - Windows Application Verifier DLL (1640 descargas)
h2633260.dll - H263+ Renderer plugin for RealMedia® (1640 descargas)
CtrlFactory.dll - UILayoutMgr (1640 descargas)
Mimgldr.dll - MGS Imagefile Filters (1640 descargas)
mpgmux.dll - MPEG Multiplexer (1640 descargas)
icccodes.dll - Provides ICC signature codes and descriptions for Manufacturer and Model (1640 descargas)
jobexec.dll - Exécuteur de tâche Active Setup (1640 descargas)
facility.dll - Visio Facilities DLL (1640 descargas)
pbvm105.dll - Sybase Inc. Product File (1640 descargas)
EqnClass.dll - Co-installeur série multiport Equinox (1640 descargas)
latcfilt.dll - (1640 descargas)
neroipp.1.dll - Nero IPP (dll version) (1640 descargas)
_ISRES1033.dll - InstallShield (R) Dialog Resources (1639 descargas)
ymsdk.dll - ymsdk (1639 descargas)
covr51.dll - Cover Husk DLL (1639 descargas)
alpsres.dll - ALPS Printer Driver for Windows NT(TM) Operating System (1639 descargas)
libicuin.dll - ICU I18N DLL (1639 descargas)
paragon.dll - ECENGINE DLL (1639 descargas)
dvb_hook.dll - (1639 descargas)
diagent.dll - Diagnostics Agent Resources (1639 descargas)
msvcr90d.dll - Microsoft® C Runtime Library (1639 descargas)
emsh4.dll - Execution Model for WinCE Debugger (1639 descargas)
uv22hr.dll - UV22HR (1639 descargas)
mx_rols.dll - (1639 descargas)
x_levelmfc.dll - (1639 descargas)
AlbumUI.dll - QuickCam Gallery Activity (1639 descargas)
n124ufw.dll - ScanGear Device Driver (1639 descargas)
iedkcs32.dll - DLL de personnalisation de Microsoft Internet Explorer (1639 descargas)
FlightSettings.dll - Flight Settings (1639 descargas)
jged500.dll - JG ART DLL (1639 descargas)
aseloc.dll - AseLoc DLL (1639 descargas)
D3DX9_43.dll (1251457)
xinput1_3.dll (919208)
msvcr100.dll (793163)
msvcp100.dll (750189)
vcruntime140.dll (719438)
msvcp140.dll (592949)
msvcr110.dll (574268)
msvcp120.dll (383355)
msvcr120.dll (379039)
msvcp110.dll (287864)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249833)
amtlib.dll (236455)
d3dx9_39.dll (221336)
binkw32.dll (198630)
unarc.dll (191614)
steam_api.dll (185419)
d3dx9_30.dll (179432)
KERNEL32.dll (175994)
ISDone.dll (156528)
lame_enc.dll (152930)