puede ayudarle a resolver sus problemas de falta .dll archivos en Windows.
10000 archivos DLL están disponibles como una descarga gratuita para corregir errores ".dll not found".
Usted probablemente ya ha encontrado un error "xxx.dll el archivo que falta" o "file.dll no encontrado" al lanzar una aplicación o un juego en Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 o el nuevo Windows 10).
Este tipo de error puede afectar a la funcionalidad de la aplicación de Windows y ser muy doloroso. ofrece una manera fácil de corregir estos problemas, libre de DLL descarga se echa en falta.
bitsprx6.dll - Background Intelligent Transfer Service 4.0 Proxy (1289 descargas)
CNBBR339.dll - Canon Inkjet Printer Driver (1289 descargas)
CNBJOP7D.dll - Canon Inkjet Printer Driver (1289 descargas)
CNBJOP9I.dll - Canon Inkjet Printer Driver (1289 descargas)
CNHL810.dll - CanonAPI MP LowLevelDriver (1289 descargas)
DLAA2uict.dll - WIA UI Controller (1289 descargas)
EmbeddedLockdownWmi.dll - Embedded Lockdown Settings (1289 descargas)
EP0NGR00.dll - Pilote dâimprimante Epson (1289 descargas)
EP7MDL00.dll - EPSON 9Pin/24Pin Printer Driver (1289 descargas)
EP7MDL0N.dll - EPSON 9Pin/24Pin Printer Driver (1289 descargas)
fmodexL.dll - FMOD Ex Sound System (1289 descargas)
igo32.dll - Origin IGO (1289 descargas)
IPBusEnumProxy.dll - Associated Device Presence Proxy Dll (1289 descargas)
LXAA1view.dll - WIA UI DLL (1289 descargas)
LXAA2uict.dll - WIA UI Controller (1289 descargas)
Microsoft.Windows.Firewall.Commands.Resources.dll - (1289 descargas)
MSWB7001E.dll - MSWB7EA DLL (1289 descargas)
MultiMediaSDKHelper.dll - MultiMed å¨æé¾æ¥åº (1289 descargas)
NlsLexicons0019.dll - Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code (1289 descargas)
SaImgFlt.dll - WIA Scanner Driver (WIA ImageFilter) (1289 descargas)
WmiPerfInst.dll - WbemPerf V2 Instance Provider (1289 descargas)
findsector.dll - (1288 descargas)
aepdu.dll - Program Compatibility Data Updater (1288 descargas)
amxread.dll - API Tracing Manifest Read Library (1288 descargas)
BRUUI23A.dll - (1288 descargas)
BWUnpairElevated.dll - BWUnpairElevated Proxy Dll (1288 descargas)
CNBBR293.dll - Canon Inkjet Printer Driver (1288 descargas)
CNBFUS.dll - Canon Inkjet Printer Driver (1288 descargas)
CNBJOP7Q.dll - Canon Inkjet Printer Driver (1288 descargas)
CNBJOPA3.dll - Canon Inkjet Printer Driver (1288 descargas)
CNHL470.dll - LLD (1288 descargas)
DfpCommon.dll - Disk Footprint Utility Library (1288 descargas)
DXPTaskRingtone.dll - Microsoft Ringtone Editor (1288 descargas)
EP0LVR1O.dll - EPSON Printer Driver (1288 descargas)
EP0NRE8C.dll - EPSON Printer Driver (1288 descargas)
EP0NRE9A.dll - EPSON Printer Driver (1288 descargas)
EP0NXFS7.dll - EP0NXFS7 (1288 descargas)
EP7RDP00.dll - EPSON SIDM Printer Rendering Plug-in (1288 descargas)
INISAFEWeb60vcs.dll - INISAFEWeb60vcs DLL (1288 descargas)
libtheora.dll - (1288 descargas)
LXAA4mini.dll - WIA Mini Driver (1288 descargas)
Microsoft.Windows.AppBackgroundTask.Commands.dll - AppBackgroundTaskCmdlets (1288 descargas)
MobileConnectInterop.dll - (1288 descargas)
NlsData0046.dll - Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code (1288 descargas)
NlsData004e.dll - Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code (1288 descargas)
NlsLexicons0011.dll - Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Server Data and Code (1288 descargas)
SampleRes.dll - Microsoft Samples (1288 descargas)
SystemResetSSO.dll - Windows System Reset Platform SSO (1288 descargas)
wet.dll - Windows Easy Transfer (1288 descargas)
wudriver.dll - Windows Update WUDriver Stub (1287 descargas)
acprgwiz.dll - Application Compatibility Program Wizard (1287 descargas)
AppXDeploymentExtensions.dll - AppX Deployment Extensions DLL (1287 descargas)
CNBBR327.dll - Canon Inkjet Printer Driver (1287 descargas)
CNBBR334.dll - Canon Inkjet Printer Driver (1287 descargas)
CNHC370S.dll - Canon Inkjet WIA Driver (1287 descargas)
CNHI11A.dll - WIA Scanner Driver Image Enhancement dll (1287 descargas)
DismProv.dll - DISM Provider Store (1287 descargas)
EP0NOE20.dll - Pilote dâimprimante Epson (1287 descargas)
EP7MDL0O.dll - EPSON 9Pin/24Pin Printer Driver (1287 descargas)
GuidedHelp.dll - Microsoft Guided Help (1287 descargas)
D3DX9_43.dll (1251457)
xinput1_3.dll (919208)
msvcr100.dll (793163)
msvcp100.dll (750189)
vcruntime140.dll (719438)
msvcp140.dll (592949)
msvcr110.dll (574268)
msvcp120.dll (383366)
msvcr120.dll (379042)
msvcp110.dll (287864)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249833)
amtlib.dll (236455)
d3dx9_39.dll (221336)
binkw32.dll (198630)
unarc.dll (191614)
steam_api.dll (185419)
d3dx9_30.dll (179432)
KERNEL32.dll (175994)
ISDone.dll (156528)
lame_enc.dll (152930)