puede ayudarle a resolver sus problemas de falta .dll archivos en Windows.
10000 archivos DLL están disponibles como una descarga gratuita para corregir errores ".dll not found".
Usted probablemente ya ha encontrado un error "xxx.dll el archivo que falta" o "file.dll no encontrado" al lanzar una aplicación o un juego en Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 o el nuevo Windows 10).
Este tipo de error puede afectar a la funcionalidad de la aplicación de Windows y ser muy doloroso. ofrece una manera fácil de corregir estos problemas, libre de DLL descarga se echa en falta.
sfttv32.dll - Softel vdm SftTree/DLL Custom Control (WIN32) (1372 descargas)
tipp231.dll - RestrictRun (1372 descargas)
trados5kernel.dll - WinAlign Kernel (1372 descargas)
tschedvu.dll - TSchedVu DLL (1372 descargas)
u32zlib.dll - Image Editor (1372 descargas)
upgr3270.dll - Upgrade Support Library (1372 descargas)
CSERHelper.dll - Debug Helper Routines (1372 descargas)
adprovider.dll - adprovider DLL (1372 descargas)
DocumentPerformanceEvents.dll - Documents and Printing Performance Events (1372 descargas)
fveapibase.dll - Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption Base API (1372 descargas)
iscsiwmi.dll - MS iSCSI Initiator WMI Provider (1372 descargas)
KBDTAJIK.dll - Tajik Keyboard Layout (1372 descargas)
kdnet_uart16550.dll - Network Kernel Debug Serial Extensibility Module (1372 descargas)
NlsData000c.dll - Microsoft French Natural Language Server Data and Code (1372 descargas)
nrpsrv.dll - Name Resolution Proxy (NRP) RPC interface (1372 descargas)
nshwfp.dll - Windows Filtering Platform Netsh Helper (1372 descargas)
pcsvDevice.dll - PCSV Proxy Provider for devices (1372 descargas)
setupcln.dll - Setup Files Cleanup (1372 descargas)
TimeDateMUICallback.dll - Time Date Control UI Language Change plugin (1372 descargas)
unenrollhook.dll - unenrollhook DLL (1372 descargas)
wdc.dll - Performance Monitor (1372 descargas)
WudfSMCClassExt.dll - Smart Card Class Extension (1372 descargas)
adapt.dll - MSN Money Adaptation DLL (1372 descargas)
filterbalance.dll - FilterBalance Module (1371 descargas)
ms98irsock_object.dll - MS98IrSock_object Module (1371 descargas)
philcam1.dll - Universal Serial Bus Camera VFW Extension (1371 descargas)
pipppush.dll - PicturePusher Module (1371 descargas)
pxl2xls.dll - PXL to XLS file converter (1371 descargas)
regsreses_es.dll - Biblioteca de recursos del REGS de Adobe (1371 descargas)
scanman16.dll - Resource DLL (1371 descargas)
scicht.dll - (1371 descargas)
sdspspconv.dll - (1371 descargas)
sentw9x.dll - Install, Setup - Sentinel Driver (1371 descargas)
sersetupbase.dll - (1371 descargas)
snr_sfm.dll - (1371 descargas)
spacesynthesizer.dll - orbiter (1371 descargas)
srsbsipsynchro.dll - (1371 descargas)
tlc_new.dll - tlc_new (1371 descargas)
tld1loc.dll - (1371 descargas)
tmde3210.dll - RealOne Player Track Info Editor (1371 descargas)
trados5verifier.dll - Verifier Module (1371 descargas)
vsexcelres_en.dll - vsexcelRes.dll (1371 descargas)
wkwplng.dll - Microsoft® Works Word Processor Resources (1371 descargas)
wpirsnd.dll - (1371 descargas)
wpldes11.dll - WordPerfect XML Project Designer (1371 descargas)
STXml.dll - Xml Library (1371 descargas)
mfc120kor.dll - MFC Language Specific Resources (1371 descargas)
mfmkvsrcsnk.dll - Media Foundation MKV Media Source and Sink DLL (1371 descargas)
cfmifsproxy.dll - Microsoft® FmIfs Proxy Library (1371 descargas)
dafupnp.dll - DAF UPnP Provider (1371 descargas)
dcpurapi.dll - dcpurapi Task (1371 descargas)
EnterpriseAppMgmtClient.dll - EnterpriseAppMgmtClient.dll (1371 descargas)
enterpriseresourcemanager.dll - enterpriseresourcemanager DLL (1371 descargas)
findnetprinters.dll - Find Network Printers COM Component (1371 descargas)
igdmcl64.dll - OpenCL User Mode Driver for Intel(R) Graphics Technology (1371 descargas)
ism32k.dll - (1371 descargas)
KBDSYR1.dll - Syriac Standard Keyboard Layout (1371 descargas)
KBDTIPRD.dll - Tibetan (PRC) - Updated Keyboard Layout (1371 descargas)
msdtckrm.dll - Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator OLE Transactions KTM Resource Manager DLL (1371 descargas)
msscntrs.dll - PKM Perfmon Counter DLL (1371 descargas)
D3DX9_43.dll (1251457)
xinput1_3.dll (919208)
msvcr100.dll (793163)
msvcp100.dll (750189)
vcruntime140.dll (719438)
msvcp140.dll (592949)
msvcr110.dll (574268)
msvcp120.dll (383366)
msvcr120.dll (379042)
msvcp110.dll (287864)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249833)
amtlib.dll (236455)
d3dx9_39.dll (221336)
binkw32.dll (198630)
unarc.dll (191614)
steam_api.dll (185422)
d3dx9_30.dll (179432)
KERNEL32.dll (175994)
ISDone.dll (156528)
lame_enc.dll (152930)