Archivo DLL para descargar gratis - s - - página 6

Los archivos DLL que empiezan por s puede ayudarle a resolver sus problemas de falta .dll archivos en Windows.
10000 archivos DLL están disponibles como una descarga gratuita para corregir errores ".dll not found".

Usted probablemente ya ha encontrado un error "xxx.dll el archivo que falta" o "file.dll no encontrado" al lanzar una aplicación o un juego en Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 o el nuevo Windows 10).

Este tipo de error puede afectar a la funcionalidad de la aplicación de Windows y ser muy doloroso. ofrece una manera fácil de corregir estos problemas, libre de DLL descarga se echa en falta.

Archivos DLL disponibles para su descarga gratuita:

SteamMetricsSDK.dll - (2127 descargas)

SteamUI.dll - (7057 descargas)

StorMigPlugin.dll - Microsoft Storage Migration Plug-in (1296 descargas)

StorSvc.dll - Storage Services (1391 descargas)

StorageContextHandler.dll - Device Center Storage Context Menu Handler (1411 descargas)

StorageUsage.dll - Storage Usage (1386 descargas)

StoreAgent.dll - StoreAgent (1453 descargas)

StrongholdBase.dll - (2304 descargas)

StructuredQuery.dll - Structured Query (1439 descargas)

SubscriptionMgr.dll - Subscription Manager DLL (1391 descargas)

SurfaceHubHandlers.dll - Surface Hub Handlers Implementation (1396 descargas)

SwDir.dll - Shockwave ActiveX Control (1751 descargas)

SwMenu.dll - Shockwave Context Menu Support (1455 descargas)

SwOnce.dll - Shockwave Player (1522 descargas)

SwSupport.dll - Director Support (1569 descargas)

SxsMigPlugin.dll - Sxs Migration Plugin (1300 descargas)

SymExcpt.dll - SymExcept (1571 descargas)

SymNeti.dll - Symantec Network Driver Interface (1557 descargas)

SymRedir.dll - Redirector Interface DLL (1558 descargas)

SyncCenter.dll - Microsoft Sync Center (1385 descargas)

SyncController.dll - SyncController for managing sync of mail, contacts, calendar (1426 descargas)

SyncEngine.dll - Microsoft OneDrive Sync Engine (1318 descargas)

SyncExt.dll - LDMClient Extention for UP synchronization (1531 descargas)

SyncHostps.dll - Proxystub for sync host (1392 descargas)

SyncInfrastructure.dll - Microsoft Windows Sync Infrastructure. (1407 descargas)

SyncInfrastructureps.dll - Microsoft Windows sync infrastructure proxy stub. (1376 descargas)

SyncProxy.dll - SyncProxy for RPC communication about sync of mail, contacts, calendar (1411 descargas)

SyncRes.dll - ActiveSync Resources (1400 descargas)

SyncSettings.dll - Sync Settings (1406 descargas)

Syncreg.dll - Microsoft Synchronization Framework Registration (1435 descargas)

SysFxUI.dll - Audio System FX Control Panel Extension (1544 descargas)

SysResetLayout.dll - Windows System Reset Platform Plugin for Immersive Layout (1281 descargas)

SysRest.dll - System Restore Tools (1338 descargas)

Sysinfo.dll - (1999 descargas)

System.Data.SQLite.dll - System.Data.SQLite Core (2215 descargas)

System.Data.SqlServerCE.dll - System.Data.SqlServerCe (1534 descargas)

System.EnterpriseServices.dll - Microsoft .NET Services Support Infrastructure (1379 descargas)

System.Net.Http.dll - System.Net.Http (1753 descargas)

System.Web.Services.dll - .NET Framework (1363 descargas)

System.Windows.Forms.dll - .NET Framework (1847 descargas)

System.dll - System.dll (5461 descargas)

SystemEventsBrokerClient.dll - system Events Broker Client Library (1356 descargas)

SystemEventsBrokerServer.dll - System Events Broker (1395 descargas)

SystemResetOsUpdatesAgent.dll - Windows System Reset Platform Plugin for Operating System Updates Migration (1293 descargas)

SystemResetSSO.dll - Windows System Reset Platform SSO (1289 descargas)

SystemSettings.DataModel.dll - SystemSettings.Datamodel private API (1376 descargas)

SystemSettings.DeviceEncryptionHandlers.dll - Device Encryption Setting Handlers (1383 descargas)

SystemSettings.Handlers.dll - System settings common handler group (1433 descargas)

SystemSettings.UserAccountsHandlers.dll - SystemSettings.UserAccountsHandlers DLL (1356 descargas)

SystemSettingsAdminFlowUI.dll - System Settings Admin Flow XAML UI Implementation (1374 descargas)

SystemSettingsDatabase.dll - System Settings Database Implementation (1303 descargas)

SystemSettingsThresholdAdminFlowUI.dll - System Settings Admin Flow XAML UI Implementation (1632 descargas)

s1.dll - S1 (1724 descargas)

s104tcl.dll - (1507 descargas)

s11thk32.dll - SynthCore R2.0 Midi Interface Driver (1638 descargas)

s1dxi.dll - S1DXi DLL (1586 descargas)

s24mudll.dll - (1566 descargas)

s2kdll.dll - Windows Driver for S3-Savage2k. (1619 descargas)

s2kicd.dll - S3 Savage2000 Installable Client Driver. (1536 descargas)

s2sqlprs.dll - Crystal SQL Parser Component (1518 descargas)


D3DX9_43.dll (1251647)
xinput1_3.dll (919426)
msvcr100.dll (793410)
msvcp100.dll (750478)
vcruntime140.dll (719470)
msvcp140.dll (593168)
msvcr110.dll (574373)
msvcp120.dll (383381)
msvcr120.dll (379136)
msvcp110.dll (287887)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249886)
amtlib.dll (236461)
d3dx9_39.dll (221345)
binkw32.dll (198679)
unarc.dll (192246)
steam_api.dll (185525)
d3dx9_30.dll (179444)
KERNEL32.dll (176003)
ISDone.dll (156661)
lame_enc.dll (152941) - Descargue los archivos DLL que faltan gratis - Copyright 2012