Archivo DLL para descargar gratis - p - - página 2

Los archivos DLL que empiezan por p puede ayudarle a resolver sus problemas de falta .dll archivos en Windows.
10000 archivos DLL están disponibles como una descarga gratuita para corregir errores ".dll not found".

Usted probablemente ya ha encontrado un error "xxx.dll el archivo que falta" o "file.dll no encontrado" al lanzar una aplicación o un juego en Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 o el nuevo Windows 10).

Este tipo de error puede afectar a la funcionalidad de la aplicación de Windows y ser muy doloroso. ofrece una manera fácil de corregir estos problemas, libre de DLL descarga se echa en falta.

Archivos DLL disponibles para su descarga gratuita:

PSTPRX32.dll - Proxy Store Provider (1984 descargas)

PSUT9516.dll - (1593 descargas)

PSViews.dll - Photoshop Resource DLL (1775 descargas)

PTNEdit32.dll - phamthuynhan Formated Editor Library (1405 descargas)

PTNGDI32.dll - phamthuynhan GDI System (1393 descargas)

PTP.dll - (1393 descargas)

PVRTexLib.dll - PVRTexLib Extension (1589 descargas)

PXSDKPLS.dll - Primo Software Development Kit (1597 descargas)

PackDLL.dll - (1475 descargas)

PackageStateRoaming.dll - Package State Roaming (1380 descargas)

Packet.dll - (22562 descargas)

PainterCore64.dll - Painter Core Dynamic Link Library (1400 descargas)

PalmSyncProxy.dll - (1587 descargas)

PatchExpLib.dll - PatchExp Library (1615 descargas)

PatchMatch.dll - Adobe PatchMatch (1774 descargas)

Patcher.dll - Patcher (1521 descargas)

Patchw32.dll - RTPatch Executable (3229 descargas)

PathEngine.dll - PathEngine (1293 descargas)

PbkExchg.dll - Module d'accès annuaire MS Exchange (1524 descargas)

PbkInstall.dll - PbkInstall DLL (1525 descargas)

PbkLN.dll - PbkLN DLL (1586 descargas)

PbkODBC.dll - PbkODBC DLL (1634 descargas)

PbkRes.dll - Correspondent Phonebook (1557 descargas)

PbkUser.dll - Module d'extraction (1542 descargas)

PeerDist.dll - BranchCache Client Library (1326 descargas)

PeerDistAD.dll - BranchCache AD Interface (1322 descargas)

PeerDistCacheProvider.dll - BranchCache Export CacheMgr Provider (1291 descargas)

PeerDistCleaner.dll - BranchCache Cache Cleaner (1316 descargas)

PeerDistHttpTrans.dll - BranchCache HTTP Tansport (1277 descargas)

PeerDistSh.dll - BranchCache Netshell Helper (1302 descargas)

PeerDistSvc.dll - BranchCache Service (1285 descargas)

PeerDistWSDDiscoProv.dll - BranchCache WSD Discovery Provider (1298 descargas)

PerfCenterCPL.dll - Performance Center (1314 descargas)

PerfCounter.dll - PerfCounter.lib (1531 descargas)

PersonaX.dll - PersonaX (1406 descargas)

Ph3xIB32MV.dll - KS Proxy Plugin (1285 descargas)

Ph6xIB32MV.dll - Macrovision Plugin (1283 descargas)

PhoneCallHistoryApis.dll - DLL for PhoneCallHistoryRT (1406 descargas)

PhoneOm.dll - Phone Object Model (1425 descargas)

PhonePlatformAbstraction.dll - Phone Platform Abstraction (1374 descargas)

PhoneProviders.dll - Phone-specific Component Provider for Windows Telephony Stack. (1406 descargas)

PhoneService.dll - The service used to manage phone calls and other telephony related functionality (1406 descargas)

PhoneServiceRes.dll - Resource DLL for the Phone Service (1346 descargas)

Phoneutil.dll - Phone utilities (1445 descargas)

PhoneutilRes.dll - Resource DLL for Phone utilities (1379 descargas)

PhotoMetadataHandler.dll - Photo Metadata Handler (1385 descargas)

PhotoViewer.dll - Windows Photo Viewer (4202 descargas)

Photoshop.dll - Photoshop Resource DLL (4298 descargas)

PhysXCooking.dll - PhysXCooking Dynamic Link Library (2066 descargas)

PhysXDevice.dll - NVIDIA PhysX Device Module (1460 descargas)

PhysXExtensions.dll - PhysXExtensions Dynamic Link Library (7293 descargas)

PhysXExtensions64.dll - PhysXExtensions Dynamic Link Library (EG) (1336 descargas)

PhysXLoader.2.8.1.dll - (1737 descargas)

PhysXLoader.dll - PhysXLoader Dynamic Link Library (35513 descargas)

Physics.dll - (1906 descargas)

PicConvert.dll - (1381 descargas)

PictureEdit.dll - PictureEdit 动态链接库 (1346 descargas)

PimIndexMaintenance.dll - Service responsible for contacts indexing and other user data related tasks (1387 descargas)

PimIndexMaintenanceClient.dll - Client dll for Pim Index Maintenance (1380 descargas)

Pimstore.dll - POOM (1411 descargas)


D3DX9_43.dll (1249410)
xinput1_3.dll (917591)
msvcr100.dll (791238)
msvcp100.dll (748326)
vcruntime140.dll (718896)
msvcp140.dll (592549)
msvcr110.dll (573098)
msvcp120.dll (382981)
msvcr120.dll (378563)
msvcp110.dll (287466)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249289)
amtlib.dll (236379)
d3dx9_39.dll (221246)
binkw32.dll (198083)
unarc.dll (187899)
steam_api.dll (184324)
d3dx9_30.dll (179102)
KERNEL32.dll (175841)
ISDone.dll (153149)
lame_enc.dll (152831) - Descargue los archivos DLL que faltan gratis - Copyright 2012